California Chief Service Officer Josh Fryday and Bay Area Education Leaders Kick Off #CaliforniansForAll College Corps Recruitment in San Francisco

New service initiative helps low-income students graduate college on time and with less debt
SAN FRANCISCO, CA – Today, California Chief Service Officer Josh Fryday joined campus officials from San Francisco Bay Area and coastal colleges to encourage students to apply for the #CaliforniansForAll College Corps program – a new opportunity for thousands of California college students to serve their communities in critical issue areas such as climate action, education, and food insecurity.
Students will strengthen their futures by receiving $10,000 for completing a year of service performing valuable work in their communities. This groundbreaking program intends to unite young Californians of all backgrounds in service and will create opportunities for AB 540 CA Dream Act Students to serve their communities.
“Students are graduating with crippling debt. This service and career development program helps create a debt-free college pathway while promoting service. If you are willing to serve your community and give back in a meaningful way, we are going to help you pay for college. This is a win-win-win: Helping to pay for college, gaining valuable work experience, and having a meaningful impact on your community,” said Fryday.
Over the next two years, College Corps will engage 6,500 California undergraduates in service — roughly the size of the entire Peace Corps. Funding was made possible by the efforts of Governor Gavin Newsom and lawmakers. This service and career development program will help build a diverse class of leaders set to transform California for the better.
Applications opened April 1, 2022. Students can learn more and apply by visiting
INTERVIEWS AVAILABLE: California Chief Service Officer Josh Fryday. Contact Katie Vavao,, or call 916-584-3620.
Lynn Mahoney, San Francisco State University President:
“This partnership is an exciting opportunity on so many levels, while also continuing our students’ long history of being active and engaged in their communities,” said SF State President Lynn Mahoney. “The ability to earn money for college and career experience simultaneously can play an important role in addressing equity gaps for individuals who face financial obstacles to completing their degree.”
Steve Perez, San José State University Interim President:
“San José State was absolutely delighted in January to be selected as one of the 45 colleges and universities partners for the CaliforniansForAll College Corps initiative. The San José State students here today have been part of our Civic Action Fellowship, and I believe they perfectly embody both the spirit and tangible objectives of College Corps. College Corps will be a great thing for our students and our communities, aligning perfectly with SJSU’s mission and values.”
Kimberly Greer, California State University, East Bay Provost:
“For many students in the California State University system, CaliforniansForAll College Corps will save them from having to choose between participating in these kinds of extremely impactful educational and life experiences or working to support themselves and their families. The $10,000 stipend for a year of community service places this engagement opportunity within the reach of our students. We are especially excited that Californians for All is the first state service opportunity for DACA students. Our Dreamers can now participate in this amazing educational opportunity and bring their lived experiences to further enrich the understanding of participants, program leaders and community members.”
Andrew Drummond, California State University, Monterey Bay Dean of the University College and Interim Associate Vice President for Student Success:
“California State University Monterey Bay is very proud to be a part of the College Corps. Since our founding, CSUMB students have served the community through at least one required service-learning course. The College Corps program will allow us to take our commitment to community even further, by preparing the next generation of community leaders.”
Fernando Martinez, San Jose Civic Action Fellow:
“This Civic Action Fellowship has been so meaningful to me; I could not imagine not reapplying for the College Corps. I am so glad this opportunity will be available to more college students.”