Campus Resources

University life can be stressful and it is common for students to seek help from available campus resources. We hope that the provided resources below can increase awareness of available campus resources at your disposal.

Faculty can use this list as an additional resource to provide to students and we have also included faculty-specific support services.

Academic Technology

Academic Technology (AT) supports Academic Affairs units, colleges, departments, instructors, and students wherever teaching, learning and research happens and serves as the central information technology (IT) unit for Academic Affairs at SF State.

Gator Smart Start

Gator Smart Start provides resources to ensure students excel in their English composition (writing) and quantitative reasoning (math) courses. Gator Smart Start partners with high schools for the Early Assessment Program and provides resources for both new and continuing students.

Educational Opportunity Program (EOP)

EOP improves access and retention of historically underserved (low-income, first-generation college) students by providing support for their success. Services include advising, tutoring, peer mentoring, and development workshops.

First-Year Experience at SF State 

From the heart of a diverse community, San Francisco State University honors its legacy by promoting social justice and equity, and inspiring the courage to lead and collaborate. In the first-year, students forge and further develop personal, academic and community identities and literacies in dialogue with San Francisco State University’s history of social justice, equity and inclusion. Learn more about student support services and programming and faculty resources to support teaching new students. 

Keep Learning – Student Technology Quickguide

A guide to help students prepare to work remotely and interact with their course content, classmates, and instructors using remote modalities. 

Tutoring and Academic Support Center (TASC)

TASC provides tutoring services through one-on-one appointments, drop-in tutoring, and in small group study sessions.

For Students

Disability Programs and Resource Center (DPRC)

DPRC works with students with disabilities to ensure all aspects of life on campus, including academics, events, and employment, are accessible.

Physical Access Services

SF State provides a variety of services in order to ensure physical access. Through DPRC's physical access services webpage, you will find information about the DPRC Cart Service and other mobility resources, parking, accessible classroom furniture, as well as campus Access and Construction Alerts.

For Staff and Faculty

Employee Accommodations Services

SF State supports the employment of faculty and staff with disabilities. 

Advising Hub

The Advising Hub is a one-stop-shop for all advising needs to ensure students are on a successful path to graduation with support from General Education and minor advisors

Undergraduate Advising Center

The Undergraduate Advising Center (UAC) is now the primary location for all undergraduate students seeking academic advising. UAC is committed to supporting you and meeting your advising needs. UAC encourages you to meet with them to support your overall transition, wellness, and success at SF State. Some of the common services UAC provides include degree planning, choosing/registering for classes, major exploration, academic success strategies, and policy clarification and appeals. UAC supports students both virtually and in person through advising appointments and drop-ins. Location: Administration 203

Graduate Advising

The Division of Graduate Studies offers to counsel and advising regarding issues ranging from admission to graduation. Whether you are a current, prospective master's, doctoral or credential student, we are here to assist you.

Support for Faculty Advisors

Please contact Nancy Gerber, Director of Predictive Analytics & Proactive Advising



Basic Needs

Provides on-campus food bank, crisis fund, health, and referrals.

Division of Student Life

The Division of Student Life provides services for emergencies and basic needs support.

Gator Groceries

Gator Groceries responds to the needs of SF State students by supporting food-insecure students in accessing nutritious food.

HOPE Crisis Fund

The Help, Opportunity, & Pathway to Empowerment (HOPE) Crisis Fund assists students with financial help when they need it most to keep them on track to graduation.

Student Activities & Events

Get involved with campus student organizations, Greek life, sports clubs, and other events.

Academic Works

SF State's scholarship website. 

Fiscal Services/Loans & Collections

The Fiscal Services assists registered students with Short Term Loan Services, which helps students with unanticipated, school-related expenses. Through Student Loan Collections, Fiscal Services works with students regarding their Perkins and CA Dream Loans.

Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA)

OSFA strives to support students throughout the financial aid process by determining the eligibility, awarding, and administering of federal and state financial aid and scholarships.

Project Connect

Exists to empower and involve the student body to promote higher education and facilitate graduation for low-income and historically underrepresented communities. Programs and services include book loans, retention, outreach, and internships.

The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program is a national Internal Revenue Service (IRS)-sponsored, volunteer-based initiative that provides free tax preparation to eligible individuals, including low-income taxpayers, students, the elderly, individuals with limited English proficiency, and those with disabilities, within the VITA scope.

The SF State VITA program, co-sponsored by the Lam Family College of Business (LFCoB), the University Corporation, SF State (UCorp), United Way Bay Area (UWBA), and the IRS, has been serving the community for nearly 20 years. With 50 IRS-certified student volunteers annually, it assists over 700 clients each year, making it one of California’s largest VITA programs. The program offers support in up to 20 languages and is led by Lena Yang, Assistant Professor of Accounting at LFCoB.

Counseling & Psychological Services

Provides services to enhance psychological well-being of the entire campus community

YOU @ SF State

Find tips and tools for everything from your mental and physical health, to friendships and finding balance, including tips & tools for stress & anxiety.

Education & Referral Organization for Sexuality (EROS)

EROS is dedicated to promoting a healthy and respectful understanding of sexuality and gender through judgement-free peer education. EROS refers students to off-campus resources, collaborates with off-campus organizations for events and promotes consent, tolerance, diversity, and health with the goal of students feeling empowered about themselves and their sexuality.

Health Promotion & Wellness (HPW)

HPW provides health education and actively promotes a culture of wellness through advocacy, campaigns, programming, events, workshops and peer health leadership programs.

Health Services

Student Health Services provides confidential basic health services, as well as primary care, psychiatry, pharmacy, laboratory and x-ray services. Student Health Services partner with students and the campus to foster academic, personal and professional wellness for the campus community in support of health equity.

Mashouf Wellness Center

The Mashouf Wellness Center is a student-driven wellness center guiding development through transformative activities, creating a sense of belonging within our community, and being a key partner in integrating health and wellness across the University.

University Police Department's SafeWalk 

The Division of Campus Safety (DCS) provides SafeWalk and, in the absence of services provided by the Disability and Programs Resource Center (DPRC), will provide mobility transports. For more details, please visit DPRC Physical Access page

SafeWalk Service: (415) 338-7200, then press -0-

University Police Department

The University Police Department (UPD) is a proactive professional police agency dedicated to providing a safe environment for our campus community. UPD is staffed twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week with both dispatchers and police officers to serve the needs of the community.

Faculty & Staff

Health Promotion & Wellness (HPW) Resources & Services 

HPW strives to create a community of wellness at SF State. Prioritizing students’ health in all spaces and policies must be a part of the educational and social justice mission of the university. If students are well they are more likely to reach their whole potential at SF State in the classroom and beyond. In order to create a community of wellness faculty, staff, and administrators need tools and skills to promote a healthy SF State.

Division of Student Life Programs & Resources

The Division of Student Life (DSL) collaborates with the greater University to support student success and the college experience.

The Action Care Team (ACT)

The ACT is co-led by the Dean of Students Office and Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS). The ACT focus is assisting students who may be in distress. When students are referred to ACT, SF State can provide an individualized, coordinated response to support the student and connect them with resources, services, and referrals they may need. We coordinate resources and implement a centralized response, with the goal of providing the student the support they need and keeping the SF State community healthy and safe.

Title IX and DHR

If you are observing behavior that includes discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment, dating or domestic violence, stalking, sexual exploitation, retaliation, or prohibited consensual relationships, these must be reported to the Office of Title IX and DHR. You will need to provide specific details about what you observed and who was involved. It is important, as a campus of mandated reporters, that we understand that any member of the University community who knows of or has reason to know of sexual discrimination allegations or discrimination, harassment, or retaliation, shall promptly inform SF State’s Title IX Coordinator.

Student Conduct

The Office of Student Conduct at SF State also supports the University’s educational purpose and goals by interpreting and enforcing standards of student behavior related to policy and procedures. Cases involving alleged violations of University policies or campus rules by students should be referred to this office, which is responsible for ensuring the fair and confidential administration of student conduct procedures. This office puts student learning at the helm of our work, fostering ethical and moral development in connection with the student disciplinary process, promoting academic integrity, and responsible conduct through outreach, conduct outcomes, and education. If you believe that a student has been involved in student misconduct, particularly in relation to behavior in your classrooms, please report the situation to our office.

For Students

Career Services and Leadership Development

The Career Services & Leadership Development (CSLD) equips our diverse student and alumni population with modern resources that assist, guide, and foster their leadership, professional, and career advancement.

For Faculty

Center for Equity and Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CEETL)

CEETL fosters inclusive and welcoming teaching & learning community for faculty and the campus community to engage across disciplines. In support of the University’s mission and strategic plan, CEETL:

  • Provides institutional support for all faculty, across all levels of teaching, throughout their careers;
  • Develops programming and facilitates incentives in support of teaching excellence;
  • Offers opportunities for continuing development in pedagogical theory, practice, and innovation;
  • Communicates about and connects faculty with all teaching-related professional development opportunities at SF State;
  • Creates and advocates for a faculty community that is a source of connection, inspiration, and reflection.

Asian American and Pacific Islander Retention and Education (ASPIRE)

ASPIRE is a collaboration between the AAS Department and Student Affairs and Enrollment Management (SAEM), which offers support services to high-need Asian American and Native American Pacific Islanders (AANAPI) and low-income degree-seeking undergraduate students and strengthen academic outcomes.

Black Unity Center

The Black Unity Center provides Black students, through cross-campus community collaborations and an intersectional, African-centered environment, with transformative, impactful and socially conscious programs that allow them to grow academically, interpersonally, culturally and professionally, in order to advance their recruitment, matriculation, retention and graduation.

Dream Resource Center

DRC supports the undocumented student population and students living in mixed-status homes. All undocumented students are welcome to take advantage of services regardless of DACA, ABA 540/SB 68, and/or CA Dream Act eligibility.

Equity & Community Inclusion

Equity & Community Inclusion works collaboratively with campus partners (including student clubs and organizations) to close the educational equity gap in support of our Graduation Initiative 2025 goals.

Guardian Scholars Program

Through advocacy, support, and empowerment, the SF State Guardian Scholars Program creates a vibrant community to engage current and former foster youth to attain college degrees, stable housing and career-path employment.

Queer & Trans Resource Center

The Queer & Trans Resource Center offers LGBTQQIA-related events, services, and resources to students. The Queer & Trans Resource Center also serves as an umbrella organization linking various student organizations, such as Queer Alliance, Pride Committee, and CEASE/SAFE Place that work to create events and resources for the LGBTQQIA community on campus.

Project Connect

Exists to empower and involve the student body to promote higher education and facilitate graduation for low-income and historically underrepresented communities.

Project Rebound

Project Rebound supports formerly incarcerated on their journey through successful reintegration in a college setting.

Richard Oakes Multicultural Center

The Richard Oakes Multicultural center is a space for cultural events and discussions and also provides a collaborative and supportive environment that promotes a multi-ethnic, culturally conscious university that affirms the human and intellectual heritage of all people.

Safe Zone Program

The Safe Zone is a voluntary program of trained faculty, staff, and administrators. A person displaying the program symbol has completed training to develop a greater awareness of issues affecting students of all genders and sexual identities and anyone negatively impacted by heterosexism and homophobia.

Student Resource & Empowerment Center

The Ethnic Studies Student Resource & Empowerment Center provides information, referral, and assistance for all Ethnic Studies undergraduate and graduate students as well as the larger campus community.

The SAFE Place

The SAFE Place is a survivor-focused, trauma-informed program that provides FREE and CONFIDENTIAL support services to survivors of sexual assault, intimate partner violence, stalking, and sexual harassment (sexual violence) while working with campus partners to end sexual violence. The SAFE Place serves all members of the SF State community, including students, staff, and faculty.

The Queer & Trans Resource Center

Rooted in the ancestral legacy of queer activists and visionaries and SF State's commitment to social justice and community engagement, the Queer & Trans Resource Center endeavors to offer LGBTQQIA-related events, services, and resources to students.

Veterans Services

Veterans Services helps current and former members of the United States Armed Forces attain their educational goals. Current members of the military, veterans, and dependents of service-related disabled or deceased veterans are encouraged to browse this website to learn more about the application process and educational benefits at SF State

Women’s Center

The Women’s Center serves to address issues that concern the lives of our female-identifying students and staff with resources on sexual assault, domestic violence, housing insecurity, and more.