Year 2: Supplemental Hours

For Fellows


College Corps Fellows can have opportunities to earn additional service hours outside their assigned primary host site to fit their schedules. Supplemental service hours can be done at a one-day, in-service event or volunteer day, or consistent ongoing additional site (with approval beforehand).*

This opportunity is meant to supplement your existing schedule with your assigned host site organization. Fellows should be earning the majority of their hours with their organization's host site. For summer 2024 extension, please connect with Meagan/Samantha to discuss summer site options. 

Step 1: Submit Supplemental Service Hours Request Form

Prior to completing your Supplemental Service Hours, College Fellows must submit a Supplemental Service Hours Request Form at least prior to the service date.*

This opportunity is meant to supplement your existing schedule with your assigned host site organization. Fellows should be earning the majority of their hours with their organization's host site.

Supplemental Service Hours Request Form

Step 2: Submit Supplemental Service Hours Tracker 

  • Once you have submitted your Supplemental Service Request Form, please print and fill out the Supplemental Service Hours Tracker. Once completing your supplemental site service hours, this tracker must be completed and signed off by a "Certify Person" from the service site for College Corp staff to confirm hours. “Certify Person” can be represented as the organization, lead supervisor, or person in charge during the day of service (example: lead volunteer, supervisor, registration coordinator, etc.)

  • Once completed, please submit your Supplemental Service Hours Tracker (can be scanned or photo - be a very clear image) to or drop off a physical copy to ICCE (HSS 206) to verify your extra service hours completed.

Supplemental Service Hours Tracker

Step 3: Enter Supplemental Service Hours in America Learns 

  • Once you submit your Supplemental Service Hours Tracker to College Corps/ICCE, you will upload these hours to your America Learns account.

  • In America Learns you will enter your "Supplemental Service Hours" under "San Francisco State" and categorize them under "service". Indicate in the description "supplemental service hours".

SF State College Corps staff will approve your "Supplemental Service Hours" in America Learns after verifying your Supplemental Service Hours Tracker. 

Supplemental Hours AL sample

College Corps Fellows are welcome to find their own opportunities at sites other than their primary College Corps host sites to earn additional hours.

Note: We recommend that Fellows speak with their assigned organization site supervisor(s) because these sites may also have existing upcoming events/opportunities within their organization that you can do to earn additional hours on top of your set weekly schedule. 

This opportunity is meant to supplement your existing schedule with your assigned host site organization. Fellows should be earning the majority of their hours with their organization's host site.

A sample of opportunities available to complete Supplemental Service Hours are listed below:

Opportunities at San Francisco State University 

Program Outreach: Classroom Presentations: Please look over the Canva slides for more information. If you have questions please reach out to Samantha at

Capture your story: Please write a short vignette that captures your experience at your host site. Please refer to the slides for more instructions. Please reach out to Samantha at if you have any questions


College Corps Host Sites Opportunities (one-day and event opportunities)


The sites listed below are not affiliated with the College Corps program and are not official host sites but are well-established organizations that offer one-day, event, etc. opportunities. Please note many of these organizations may require you to complete a volunteer waiver and orientation session, etc. 

Opportunities in the Community