There are many places faculty can get published in higher education service-learning and community engagement journals. Check this list of available opportunities for faculty to publish. This list of journals focus on community-based research, civic engagement and experiential pedagogies can assist faculty in publishing articles on service-learning and resources
The Campus Compact Knowledge Hub includes journal articles on the best practices for publishing this kind of scholarship, highlights national organizations that host special sessions on publishing service-learning and/or community engaged scholarship.
Collaborations: A Journal of Community-Based Research and Practice
The Journal of Community-Based Research and Practice is a peer-reviewed, open access journal, sponsored by the University of Miami and Rutgers University. It is a site for sharing research and practice emanating from university-community collaborations. It was created to highlight research that describes, examines and evaluates the many different forms of university-community collaborations.
Community-Engaged Scholarship for Health
Free online mechanism for peer-reviewing, publishing and disseminating products of health-related community-engaged scholarship that in forms other than journal articles. For example, videos, manuals, curricula and products developed through service-learning community-based participatory research and other community-engaged work.
Education, Citizen, and Social Justice
"Education, Citizenship and Social Justice provides a strategic forum for international and multi-disciplinary dialogue for all academic educators and educational policy-makers concerned with the meanings and form of citizenship and social justice as these are realised throughout the time spent in educational institutions.International Journal of research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement."
Engaged Scholar Journal: Community-Engaged Research, Teaching, and Learning
This is Canada’s online, peer-reviewed, multi-disciplinary journal committed to profiling best practices in 'engaged scholarship’ informed by community-academic partnerships in research, teaching and learning.
International Journal of Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement
"The IJRSLCE is a peer-reviewed online journal dedicated to the publication of high quality research focused on service-learning, campus-community engagement, and the promotion of active and effective citizenship through education."
International Undergraduate Journal for Service-learning, Leadership and Social Change
The Journal is dedicated to providing undergraduate students a venue to discuss their service-learning projects and experiences.
Journal for Civic Commitment
"The Journal for Civic commitment (JCC) is interested in work on service-learning in community colleges, articles from faculty and staff at all types of colleges and universities, as well as articles from community partners."
The Journal of Community Practice is an interdisciplinary journal grounded in social welfare. The journal provides a forum for community practice, including community organizing, planning, social administration, organizational development, community development, social action, and social change.
Journal of Community Engagement and Higher Education
"The Journal of Community Engagement and Higher Education is an on-line, refereed journal concerned with exploring community engagement and community-based learning perspective, research, and practice. JCEHE publishes accounts of a range of research focusing on practical and theoretical insights and understanding, in higher education and across the disciplines and professions. There is a focus on case studies emphasizing community engagement and engaged learning practices, methodology, and pedagogy."
Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship
"The Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship (JCES) is a peer-reviewed international journal through which faculty, staff, students, and community partners disseminate scholarly works. JCES integrates teaching, research, and community engagement in all disciplines, addressing critical problems identified through a community-participatory process.Journal of Experiential Education."
Journal of Experiential Education
"The Journal of Experiential Education (JEE) is an international, peer-reviewed journal publishing refereed articles on experiential education in diverse contexts. The JEE provides a forum for the empirical and theoretical study of issues concerning experiential learning, program management and policies, educational, developmental, and health outcomes, teaching and facilitation, and research methodology."
Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement
"The mission of the Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement (JHEOE) is to serve as the premier peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal to advance theory and practice related to all forms of outreach and engagement between higher education institutions and communities."
Journal of Service-Learning in Higher Education
"The Journal of Service-Learning in Higher Education is an online, international, peer-reviewed journal for the dissemination of original research regarding effective institutional-community partnerships. Our primary emphasis is to provide an outlet for sharing the methodologies and pedagogical approaches that lead to effective community-identified outcomes."
Journal for Social Action in Counseling and Psychology
"The mission of the Journal for Social Action in Counseling and Psychology is to promote deep reflection on community change and system transformation in which counselors, psychologists, and other human service professionals play a role. The journal aims to highlight engaged scholarship and the very important social change work done by professionals and activists that would not normally find its way into publication."
Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning
"The MJCSL is a national, peer-reviewed journal for college and university faculty and administrators, with an editorial board of faculty from many academic disciplines and professional fields at the University of Michigan and other US higher education institutions."
Partnerships: A Journal of Service-Learning and Civic Engagement
"Partnerships recognizes that successful engaged learning depends on effective partnerships between students, faculty, community agencies, administrators, disciplines, and more. The articles in this peer-reviewed journal focus on how theories and practices can inform and improve such partnerships, connections, and collaborations."
Reflections-A Journal of Public Rhetoric, Civic Writing, and Service Learning
"Reflections, a peer-reviewed journal, provides a forum for scholarship on public rhetoric, civic writing, service-learning, and community literacy. Originally founded as a venue for teachers, researchers, students, and community partners to share research and discuss the theoretical, political, and ethical implications of community-based writing and writing instruction."
Undergraduate Journal of Service Learning and Community-Based Research
This is a new, refereed, multidisciplinary, online undergraduate journal that will advance knowledge in new scholarly arenas by presenting intellectual and reflective work by undergraduates. This Journal seeks undergraduate contributions to the burgeoning academic conversation on service learning and community-based research.
Information Age Publishing: while there are several publishers with service learning titles, Information Age Publishing has among the best and most helpful for practitioners.
Service-Learning for Civic Engagement Series, Stylus Publishing, LLC
Series Editor: Gerald Eisman, Former Director, Institute for Civic & Community Engagement at San Francisco State University. Foreword by Robert A. Corrigan, President of San Francisco State University.
Gender Identity, Equity, and Violence, Edited by Geraldine B. Stahly
The authors of the thirteen chapters in Gender Identity, Equity, and Violence bring excitement and innovations to teaching about gender from a wide range of theoretical and disciplinary perspectives. The book provides many examples of the power of learning through experience as the authors demonstrate that "...the authority of the feminist teacher as intellectual and theorist finds expression in the goal of making students themselves theorists of their own lives by interrogating and analyzing their own experience." (Weiler, 1991)
Race, Poverty, and Social Justice, Edited by Jose Z. Calderon
Race, Poverty, and Social Justice explores multiple examples of how to connect classrooms to communities through service-learning and participatory research to teach issues of social justice. The various chapters provide examples of how collaborations between students, faculty, and community partners create models of democratic spaces (on and off-campus) where the students are teachers and the teachers are students.
Research, Advocacy, and Political Engagement, Edited by Sally Tannenbaum
Research, Advocacy, and Political Engagement showcase innovative approaches to using service learning to introduce students to political engagement. Faculty from disciplines as diverse as Political Science, Education, Urban and Regional Planning, Business, Communications, Sociology, Mathematics, Economics, and Women's Studies share stimulating ideas and adaptable models that advance disciplinary knowledge, develop collaboration with communities, and engage students in the political process.
Promoting Health and Wellness in Underserved Communities, Edited by Anabel Pelham & Elizabeth Sills
This book explores how educators and community caretakers teach the complex web of inter-connection between the micro-level of individual health and well-being and the macro-level of larger social structures. Through the lenses of courses in anthropology, ESL, gerontology, management information systems, nursing, nutrition, psychology, public health, and sociology, the contributors offer examples of intergenerational and interdisciplinary practice and share cutting-edge academic creativity to model how to employ community service learning to promote social change.
Social Responsibility and Sustainability, Edited by Tracy McDonald
This concluding volume 5 in the series presents the work of faculty who have been moved to make sustainability the focus of their work and to use service-learning as one method of teaching sustainability to their students. This monograph is divided into three sections: The first is Environmental Awareness, the second section explores the means by which we can foster a commitment to community service, and the last section on Sustainability Concepts in Business and Economics explores how we can prepare students to encourage and be a part of sustainable business practice.