Fall 2025
This workshop is designed for 1st and 2nd year faculty to dive into the world of community-engaged learning. We’ll tackle common challenges, share success stories, and explore funding opportunities to help you develop impactful Community Engaged Learning courses at SF State.

Spring 2024 Workshops
March 7th, 2-3:30 PM, LIB 242: Teaching with Community Service Learning: Why and how?
CEETL & ICCE hosted a "Pints & PIE workshop," where faculty learned about pedagogies of inclusive excellence (PIE) in the classroom with pints of ice cream and warm pies. This workshop explored the transformative potential of experiential learning, emphasizing its capacity to foster community beyond traditional classroom boundaries. Faculty curious about community-engaged teaching and learning and faculty who want to jump-start their service-learning post-pandemic joined us at this workshop. Facilitator: Pavlina Latkova, Professor, RPT

In collaboration, the Center for Equity and Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CEETL) and ICCE, invite all faculty to join our upcoming micro-course called “Incorporating Service Learning for Online Teaching.” This fully online, self-paced, and asynchronous course offers resources, activities, and discussions to help faculty integrate the benefits of service-learning and effective classroom teaching as you create positive changes in students, community organizations, and your department.
This course is offered as an open resource.
This following micro-course was designed to be completed in less than five hours and focus on one topic. Micro-courses that are open resources cannot be completed for a stipend from CEETL. Stipends for faculty completion of CEETL course offerings were made possible through one-time emergency federal funding (CARES and HEERF) for COVID-19. This funding source has now concluded as of 4/25/22. CEETL courses remain available as open resources for the campus community, though stipends for completion will no longer be awarded.
Past Faculty & Community Partner Workshops
Micro-Course: "Incorporating Service Learning for Online Teaching"
April 1 through October 29, 2022
Back by popular demand, ICCE again partnered with the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CEETL) to present this micro-course for faculty and staff across departments. This fully online and asynchronous course provided excellent resources, a few activities, and opportunities for various discussions to help faculty integrate the benefits of service-learning into their courses.
Thanks to our subject matter experts for their ongoing instructional support and feedback for this course: Dr. Kevin Kelly, Lecturer, Department of Equity, Leadership Studies & Instructional Technologies; Dr. Jae Paik, Professor, Dept. of Psychology; and Brigitte Davila, Lecturer, Latina/o Studies. Stipends were available to participants upon completion of the micro-course.
University Retreat: High-Impact Practices Workshop/Panel
January 19, 2022
Evidence suggests that community service learning (CSL) has a host of potential benefits for students: critical thinking, problem analysis, skill application, graduation rates, and more are all suggested to be improved by service-learning (Byler et al. 2001). What's more, service-learning also benefits community organizations through access to university resources, student volunteerism, prospective hiring, and building awareness about issues or causes (ibid). How, then, can faculty best realize the potential of CSL in their courses?
During this insightful discussion facilitated by Dr. Nina Roberts, Faculty Director of Community Engaged Scholarship & Learning, we heard from three panelists with extensive CSL experience: Dr. Kevin Kelly, Lecturer Faculty in the Department of Equity, Leadership Studies & Instructional Technologies; Dr. Leticia Márquez-Magaña, Professor in Department of Biology; and Alyssa Gimenez, MS Student in Cell/Molecular Biology. The discussion covered topics such as best ways to engage/involve students in the CSL process; building community partnerships; present and future opportunities and barriers; strategies for student success through CSL; and more.
Thank you to our panelists, and thank you to all who attended this workshop/panel. To learn more about CSL, broadly, click here.
“Connecting Cultures through Community Engaged Learning: Bridging Racial Divides” | Faculty Panel/Workshop
November 3, 2021, 10-12 pm
The Department of Race & Resistance Studies (RRS) and the Institute for Civic & Community Engagement (ICCE) organized a faculty development panel on Wed. Nov. 3rd from 10am-12pm. The panel was titled “Connecting Cultures through Community Engaged Learning: Bridging Racial Divides”. RRS faculty scholars Rama Ali Kased, Leora Kava, Ponipate Rokolekutu, and Larry Salomon shared highlights of their related work. This was followed by a moderated Q&A forum with four of their community partners: The Arab Resources Organizing Center, Coalition on Homelessness, Veilomani Community Group, and Just Cause.
By bringing together like-minded educators and community partners, the goal was to discuss challenges, trends, and strategies for using community-based service-learning to bridge racial divides around the Bay Area. SF State faculty/staff and students across campus, as well as community partners, attended. Link to video recording coming soon!
Micro-Course: "Incorporating Service Learning for Online Teaching"
October 1 through October 29, 2021
ICCE partnered with the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CEETL) and all faculty were invited to join the first-ever ICCE micro-course called "Incorporating Service Learning for Online Teaching." This fully online and asynchronous course provided excellent resources, a few activities, and opportunities for various discussions to help faculty integrate the benefits of service-learning and effective classroom teaching as you create positive changes in students, community organizations and in your department!
Thanks to our subject matter experts for their ongoing instructional support and feedback for this course: Dr. Kevin Kelly, Lecturer, Department of Equity, Leadership Studies & Instructional Technologies; Dr. Jae Paik, Professor, Dept. of Psychology; and Brigitte Davila, Lecturer, Latina/o Studies. Stipends were available to participants upon completion of the course.
Deepening Reflection and Learning
April 7, 2021, from 1-2 pm
The faculty workshop on Deepening Reflection and Learning was hosted by Sonoma State's Center for Community Engagement Faculty Fellows Dr. Michael Cohen and Dr. Susan Campbell.
ICCE & HEI present: Engaged Research for Health Equity Faculty and Community Development Forum
Tues., December 8, 2020 | 11:00am-1:00pm PST
SF State’s Institute for Civic and Community Engagement (ICCE) and Health Equity Institute (HEI) was proud to present the virtual Engaged Research for Health Equity Faculty and Community Development Forum. The event featured a virtual panel discussion about community-engaged research for health equity with SF State faculty and community partners. Small group discussions for building engaged research and service-learning into courses followed. Panelists included Professor of Biology Leticia Márquez-Magaña, Associate Professor of Public Health Vivian Chavez, SF State Ethnographer Jorge Sanchez, Lecturer of Public Health Maiya Evans, and CEO of the San Francisco Community Health Center Lance Toma, LCSW
Statewide 3-part webinar series on service-learning and civic engagement
Part I: Developing a Remote Learning Course | April 30, 2020, 3 pm PST
Part II: Enhancing Remote Learning through Virtual Service-Learning Experiences | May 4, 2020, 3 pm PST
Part III: Incorporating Critical Reflection into Online Service-Learning Courses | May 7, 2020, 3 pm PST
The Institute for Civic & Community Engagement is co-sponsoring a statewide 3-part webinar series on service-learning and civic engagement. Moderated by our very own Dr. Kevin Kelly of San Francisco State, this series kicked off today, Wed. April 30th: “Creating Remote and Virtual Service-Learning Experiences” - There are more than 300 faculty and staff across California’s public and private institutions who are currently registered for this important series. We look forward to interacting with you at our upcoming webinars and continuing to share best practices in the weeks ahead via virtual discussions (more info here).
The CSU Center for Community Engagement will be sharing all three webinar recordings, resources, evaluation, and information about our Google Discussion Group at the conclusion of our 3-part series on May 8. However, for anyone unable to attend the first session on 4/30 (or who had technical difficulties!), that webinar recording with transcription is available here: Developing a Remote Learning Course. The April 30th session focused on the pedagogical aspects of putting service-learning courses online.
Panelists on 4/30 included: Michael Willard, Cal State LA; Leticia (“Leti”) Márquez-Magaña, San Francisco State; and, Annie White, CSU Channel Islands. Together we explored:
• Incorporating service-learning activities in your course
• Making regular connections between your course and service-learning projects
• Identifying interactive online strategies
• Adapting in-person strategies for online environments
• And addressing equity challenges for online learners
Downloadable PDF for more information detailing content covered for the webinar series
Lam Family College of Business Workshops with ICCE
CCE, CEETL, & LF CoB present: Service Learning and Engaged Research "Day of Share" (for our CoB Faculty, Lecturers, & Staff only)
Monday, April 27, 2020 | 12:00-1:30pm
Come share your experiences with Service Learning! Topics for discussion will include both engaged research and service-learning in the classroom. Feel free to share completed projects, works in progress, or future ideas!
Downloadable PDF flyer for the workshop
CSL 101 for CoB Instructors (for our CoB Faculty, Lecturers, & Staff only)
Friday, May 8, 2020, | 10:00-11:30am
Attend this CSL 101 session in order to gain a better understanding of the benefits of CSL for you, your students, and the community. Obtain step-by-step instructions on turning a current course into a designated CSL course or creating a new CSL course.
Downloadable PDF flyer for the workshop
CHSS Teaching Academy & ICCE present (for our CHSS Faculty, Lecturers, & Staff only): Reflective Service Learning and Social Justice Pedagogy
February 17th, 12:00-2:00 PM | LIB 121
Join us for a dynamic discussion and experiential learning opportunity regarding how to transform your class into a service-learning course. We invite you to reflect on how your pedagogy can incorporate community-based, service-learning projects/activities for your students.
Downloadable PDF flyer for the workshop
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